about us

we propose you a big amount of BOEING 737/200 second hand parts . you’ll find the details on the catalogue , we as well can help you realise your graphic project or decoration design project.
many AIRBUS A321 parts are available on demand , use the contact form for all your requests , even if a few parts are not out of order , no guarantee will be given , all parts will be sold under buyer responsability , Boeing737parts will never be responsible about parts destination and use …

enjoy your visit

all our parts come from an old B737/200 totally dismounted , I propose you the total interior , I work in collaboration with a French airline company which propose as well as B737 , AIRBUS A321 few parts , all the part are perfect for collectors or maintenance sites , so don’t hesitate asking your questions using the contact form , small parts can be shipped buy postal way , heavy parts have to be picked up in our local site in TOULOUSE (FRANCE) by your own manner , no parts will be shipped without a clear transaction payment , no parts will be guaranted and the seller release all responsability about parts destination and use .

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